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He had: to turn off the favourite wireless station, because at Sof'I of Andrey a head ached with music, not to whistle after a helm, because at Sof'I of Andrey a head ached with a sing, not to speak with Vikoy, because at Sof'I of Andrey a head ached with a jabber, not to ride in a levom row, because at Sof'I of Andrey a head ached with speed. There was not religion, there was not a period in development philosophy which would not try to settle this antinomy and would not come to the conclusion, that it is insoluble. Speech concerning returning of Mark Martsella. are you what, did not know me? - a stranger smiled. 319 — 325Ï. - In appearance yes, - I answered carefully, - eats, drinks, sleeps quietly. Eh, did not drive me! Not for those parents I borned. Vera in immortality therefore only then begins to exist, when it equates with a faith in god, when it expresses a religious estimation, — means only then, when it is expression of deity or divinity. Ek-zistentsiya names the determining place of man in history of truth. All right, listen.

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